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Gold Detecting and Prospecting Forum
Gold Fever. Gold Detecting and Prospecting Forum ... Shows the Current Gold Price in Australian and US ...

The Gold Gypsies" are leaving Western Australia. - Forumotion
It looks like the"The Gold Gypsies" from the Aussie Gold Prospectors fame, are leaving Western Australia. And are selling everything up. We are selling up all our Mining leases and Machinery. Here is your opportunity to start a new career in gold mining EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST are now being received.

General Discussion - Forumotion
by Hoffs Gold 18 Replies 1750 Views Hoffs Gold Last Posts Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:47 pm .

Aus Geology Travel Maps (with WA, Qld, NSW & Vic gold ... - Forumotion
NSW gold & tenements map (annual subscription, 3-day free trial) Map of NSW gold locations, with mining tenements - updated monthly with GSNSW data - plot symbols distinguish operating mines, alluvial gold, targeted gold, and gold found but not the primary metal; Interactive - tap on a symbol to view detailed information on the occurrence

"History stands corrected: Smith, not Hargraves, first to discover gold ...
For 170 years all that remained of mineralogist William Tipple Smith was a quartz gold sample, an unmarked grave and a reputation as the fraud who claimed to have discovered payable gold before Edward Hargraves. On Thursday the history that most Australian schoolchildren learnt about events leading to the NSW gold rush in 1851 was corrected.

Some Australian Gold Nuggets - Forumotion
While the Victorian alluvial nuggets were the most spectacular, large nuggets were discovered on many Australian goldfields. In Queensland, the Curtis nugget (28 kilograms or 906 ounces) and another of 25 kilograms (804 ounces) were found during early mining at Gympie.

Plants growing around gold deposits - Forumotion
Gold nuggets are often the creations of bacterial biofilms, say Australian researchers who have demonstrated the process and even identified the bacteria at work. Layers of bacteria can actually dissolve gold into nanoparticles, which move through rocks and soils, and then deposit it in other places, sometimes creating purer "secondary" gold ...

Next day same again at another gold area, and nice cooked tea gain ect. Then the last day off to as other gold area and lunch andtea laid on, after which we all swapped stories of the days detecting and finds admired and drooled over by those not luck to find the elusive goldys. Then it was back on the bus to Adelaide.

Re Visiting An Old Faithful Metal Detector
The Yanks used this detector back in the Sixties/seventies to good effect in their gold fields and for coin and relic hunting. The Treasuretron used to be advertised in The Australian Post magazine waaaaay waaay back in the dim dark history of metal detecting.

Bendigo Gold Expo
The Australian Gold Prospectors Expo - Bendigo Show Grounds 6 - 7 April. Just about everyone who is involved in manufacturing, retail, tours, 4 wheel drives, caravans, campers, camping equipment, etc. will be at the Expo.. Fabulous opportunity for you to attend and ask all the questions you have ever wanted answered from the experts.

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